Our Edmonton dentists use natural-looking porcelain veneers to help improve the shape of your individual teeth and the evenness of your whole smile.
Dental veneers are custom-made pieces of tooth-shaped and coloured porcelain that your dentist bonds to the front of your teeth to create a more uniform smile.
Your dentist will begin by taking an impression of your teeth, which will be used to create your custom veneers. Your dentist will then bond the veneers to your natural teeth.
Dental veneers imitate the natural translucency of tooth enamel, so they will look and feel almost exactly like natural teeth.
Veneers can help improve the appearance of worn, crooked or discoloured teeth, and can be used to alter the size of teeth or repair unwanted spacing.
Veneers are ideal for cosmetic purposes as they are a less intrusive alternative to dental crowns.
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